The New Year is an opportunity to take stock of our lives and of our community.
For many of us, we reflect on our habits — good and bad — and make decisions about the ways we want to challenge ourselves in next 12 months. Perhaps we will go to bed earlier, read more books, learn a new language or write more letters. Each personal resolution we make is to help us move more into ourselves; into being the person we know ourselves to be.
We can also make community resolutions. We can make personal decisions about what we want to challenge in our community and how we want to enact change. Through our personal resolutions, we can help move our communities into the places we want them to be.
Here are 5 ways you can support Second Harvest and our vision of healthy, hunger-free communities in 2019:
Resolve to reduce food waste. Making a commitment to reduce your family’s food waste in 2019 will save you money and make a positive impact on the environment. Learn more here.
Resolve to lend a hand. More than half of all soup kitchens,food pantries and meal programs rely entirely on volunteers. You might sort donated food or serve meals to people in need, but no matter what you do you will see the immediate results.
Resolve to get your workplace involved. Organize a food drive or volunteer day at your workplace, place of worship, school or home.
Resolve to educate others. An essential part of ending food insecurity in Northwest North Carolina is making sure our friends and family are informed of the issue and know how to get involved! Make it your resolution to be a social media educator by following us and sharing our stories and calls to action.
Resolve to make an impact. Everyday. By becoming a monthly donor at any amount, you can help Second Harvest provide consistent and everyday food access to families in your community, as well as support our educational programming, advocacy work and more.