Childhood Hunger
Every child should have enough to eat.
Every meal. Every day.
Hunger deprives children of more than just food.
The research is clear: To reach their full potential, children must get enough food to eat every day.
But in Northwest North Carolina, 1 in 5 children are at risk of not getting the good nutrition they need to learn, grow, and be healthy. When a child goes without adequate, essential nutrition, it can lead to a lifetime of learning and developmental challenges.
Kids who don’t get enough to eat — especially during their first three years — begin life at a serious disadvantage. When hungry, children are more likely to be hospitalized and face higher risks of health conditions like anemia and asthma.
As they grow up, children facing hunger may struggle in school — and beyond. They are more likely to:
Repeat a grade in elementary school
Experience developmental impairments
Have social and behavioral problems
Second Harvest Food Bank partners with local programs, schools, and funders to provide the healthy meals kids need to power through their days. We strive to reach children where they are--through school pantries, through weekend BackPacks, at summer meals sites, and through our healthy, hot, and delivered Providence Community Meals.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC
3330 Shorefair Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
Tel: 336-784-5770